Sunday, February 15, 2009

Ask ETK: Cuddy

Dear Evil Tiny Kitty,

Why does Cuddy force me to feed her all the time?

I'm A Builder Not A Waiter

Simple. You are her pet and she has trained you well.

And I have heard that Miss Cuddy is 18 years old? I mean, really...if I was 18 years old I should like to have others feed me as well! By hand. At that age I would be cantankerous and demanding too! Oh wait...I do not wish to hear that I am like that already. Don't make me have to release the crate creature.

[UPDATE: Since publishing this, dear Miss Cuddy has since passed on. May she be surrounded by kitty delights and my condolences to her family.]

If you have any RL kitty questions you would like answered, feel free to send them to me inworld or at malegatto[at] and I shall enlighten you a bit from a cat's point of view! I also accept pictures of them to feature as well.

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