Monday, November 9, 2009

Ongoing Investigation

Being a busy feline of science, I do not normally attend town meetings. However, I was there last week given the recent events at the warehouses. I thought that I would come and be among my fellow citizens, do my civic duty, deflect attention...oh, whatever. Let us just say that I do not hoooo. I couldn't have given a Willard's arse about attending under normal circumstances, but I was in the building anyway due to having been brought in for questioning by The Sheriff, with The Elf in attendance...
I've been to many questionings in my life. Many. This was no different, so 'twas a breeze for me. After all, despite my past "misunderstandings" and "accidents", this time I am actually innocent...
Posters have been placed about town with the missing chap on it. Despite the fact that I have been tempted many a time to do so, personally I am offended at the possibility that someone else would use my Squiddy as a human disposal system. My methods of dispatching someone are decidedly less...sloppy. The perpetrator had better hope that the Sheriff finds them before I do. I am going to go and sharpen my claws now...


Rhianon Jameson said...

For Basement Cat's sake, Dr. Alter! If you've been to "many" questionings, your minions are not doing their share in deflecting suspicion from you.

Keeping in practice is always good, however. One never knows when They are actually out to get you.

Evil Tiny Kitty said...

'Tis never the suspicion that I worry about. An "evil" kitty with a propensity for certain activities is always sure to be a scapegoat for everything, no?

I continue to plan on only sharing a cell with Willard when I stop by to bring him fresh cheese.

HeadBurro Antfarm said...

Hang on, you've scalped a goat as well?

Evil Tiny Kitty said...

Oh for Bastet's sake...

*rolls her eyes heavenward*