Friday, July 17, 2009

Gone Underground...

When one is involved in such doings and goings-on as myself, one never knows when a speedy getaway is necessary. I thought I would reacquaint myself with the tunnels that run below the town...Hmm...where does this passageway lead to?
The Elf has been rather busy, I see...
I nimbly made my way past all of the rock and debris and around all of the passageways. Hmm...many possibilities...


Rhianon Jameson said...

The trouble with tunnels is that they tend to fill up with urchins, if one's home town has an urchin problem. And urchins tend to be rude to their elders.

One could, of course, vaporize the urchins for their rudeness, yet this seems a tad extreme and tends to get the rouse the villagers. Next thing you know, it's torches and pitchforks all over again.

TotalLunar Eclipse said...

We don't have urchins in our undergrounds... though I may be opening ourselves up to an infestation.

Evil Tiny Kitty said...

These urchins that you speak of...I have found them to be a rather tenacious lot. They are also rather handy with snowball throwers.

Vaporizing is oh-so-tempting, but I find them amusing.